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7 Low Maintenance Plants for a Long-Lasting Garden
Getting a garden is a great way to help you connect with the land and touch nature. It can help you enjoy the outdoors, exercise, and get some fresh air. But planning your garden can be a little daunting, especially if you have little experience and you’re new to gardening. You don’t want to end up with a garden full of weeds and dying plants (you can look at for a solution for your dying plants). Those plants can be hard to get rid of, and they can be a pain to maintain.
Everyone has a different approach to gardening and a different idea of what’s necessary for a long-lasting garden. Many people may be concerned about preventing pests from damaging their plants. In order to prevent this, they may take every precaution and measure possible. This might include hiring pest control companies CO or other pest control services in their area to take care of the pest infestation in their garden. Similarly, some people believe the key to a lasting garden is a compost pile, and some people believe the key to a lasting garden is a mulch cover. Some may want to invest in a lot of equipment (like a good wheelbarrow seen on, for instance) while others may want to go in with just a shovel. While there’s no right or wrong way to garden, there are right and wrong plants to grow in your garden.
- Caladium
Many wonderful plants are perfect for growing in any climate. If you have a sunny garden area that does not need immediate attention, then plant something there. That way, you don’t have to spend all your time tending to it. Caladiums are perfect for that area of your garden. They’re easy to grow and perfect for beginners. But, even if you’re an experienced gardener, caladiums can be a wonderful addition to your garden.
- Persian shield
Long-lasting, low-maintenance, and easy to grow. These are the goals of this article. We want to introduce an easy, low-maintenance plant that will make an excellent addition to your garden, whether you have a small space or a large one. And if you need help growing a Persian shield, we are here to help.
It can even be used as one of the best plants for poolside landscaping. Well-designed landscaping can make your swimming pool stand out. It’s always a good idea to look for vibrant, colorful plants that can complement the bright blue of the pool water when adding bushes or flowering plants to your in-ground pool area. It’s an undeniable fact that landscaping plays a significant role in pool project pricing, but adding shrubs, plants, and trees can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,200 on average, or $4 to $12 per square foot. Landscaping rocks can cost between $460 and $1,000. As a result, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea to spend so much money all at once on pool decor. Hence, it could be much better for people to use the financing options provided by several builders to install it.
- Agave
The fact that Agave is a perennial is a bit of a mystery. Why would a plant that is only known for a single season need to be planted every year? Perhaps the length of the plant’s flowering period corresponds with the length of the Southwest’s warm, dry winter season. Agave is a succulent perennial that is typically grown in containers and can reach heights up to 3 feet tall. Its leaves grow in clusters, with each leaf being a bright green colour and approximately 1 inch in length. The foliage of a mature Agave plant also consists of small white or greenish flowers that grow in the middle of the branches.
- Desert rose
In the desert, many plants can grow to large sizes, even in dry regions. One such plant is the desert rose. They grow well in a dry climate and have a unique shape, making them a popular choice for landscaping in dry regions. Other than that, they are a beautiful plant that does not require much water and care, making them perfect for those who do not like watering their plants.
- Butterfly weed
Perhaps the most familiar of all flowering plants, the butterfly weed is an herb that likes to grow in moist, shady spots. Its flower is small, delicate, and white or pink, and the plant is sometimes used as a decorative border in the garden
- Lilac Sage “Purple Rain”
You may have seen purple rain in your garden, but the colour should be called lilac sage if you ask me. If a purple rain is the colour of a storm, then a lilac sage is the colour of a peaceful, serene day. The plants in this article are all long-lasting, low maintenance, and have a singular purpose: to bring a rainbow of beautiful colour to your garden.
- Sedum
Sedum is a low-maintenance plant with vibrant colours and a long-lasting garden. Sedum is easy to grow and doesn’t need a lot of maintenance. In just a few weeks, you can see the harvest and enjoy the variety of colours and textures in your garden.
For those who love the outdoors, gardening is an enjoyable hobby. But what if you don’t know how to get started? While entry-level gardening is easy, even that is still daunting for some people. If you’re not sure what you can do, here is a list of seven plants that are easy to grow, require low maintenance and give abundant results.
The beautiful thing about gardening is that you can do it no matter where you live. What’s more, once you have your garden figured out and planted, you can have fresh, healthy food without having to worry about buying fresh produce or cooking it yourself.